Mar 12, 2011

Fading moon

Years ago I was stranded amidst illusions. But I sketched it around october 2010 in my scratch pad, as I became aware of my mental images more and more. Dreams, Night mares, Illusions. Its a dangerous, highly unrecoverable and unstable state of the mind. However sketching helped.

Me - Fading moon
I am the fading moon.
This song used to loop through in my playlist. A typical self pity song as it seems to me now. Its very addictive, the fantasies !. Sometimes its good, sometimes its pain, but its not real. Its a temporary box I used to put myself into, to save myself my self-contradictions, confusions, irritations and agony over the society and the world. I would not advise it to anyone now. There are other better alternatives !

1 comment:

  1. sometimes unwitting we end up getting our minds into a rut .. happens. guess the beauty is in courageously coming out of the rut taking away just what we learnt from the experience/ state of mind.
